Ticket to your Happy Place
The National Lottery Good Causes

We were briefed to drive awareness and positive sentiment for National Lottery’s Open Week initiative.

In order to reach the target audience, which was a very broad demographic with a very different media consumption, we created the “Ticket to Your Happy Place” campaign. The idea was to draw upon the nostalgia of personal memories in order to reconnect people to wonderful National Lottery funded venues all over the UK that they had missed during lockdown.

We worked with award-winning photographer Tom Oldham to create a series of stunning portraits which shone a spotlight on the incredible venues and the people that help make them so good.

To hero even more venues , a host of local influencers were engaged to talk about their favourite venues and demonstrate how easy it was for people could access the initiative.

Pieces of coverage
58 Pieces of National coverage
719K Reach through influencer posts
12 hours to see out all tickets on the Open Week website

Role: Creative Director
Agency: Inkling Culture
Photographer : Tom Oldham


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