The Yards and The Bees
In order to support central London destination The Yards in welcoming back visitors we devised a multi-channel campaign that helps to drive footfall post-Covid by celebrating the local inhabitants who had kept busy during lockdown: The Bees.
Inspired by the rooftop colony of urban bees at The Yards, we commissioned a series of ‘The Yards & The Bees’ installations - a contemporary take on the classic trail - to link the destination together in a creative, engaging way and provide a positive space for connection post-Covid.
We partnered with the charity Bee Friendly Trust and worked with four artists who designed their own work on the theme of ‘urban bees’ and their relationship to the city environment.
We produced and installed the resulting artworks at The Yards for visitors to explore, creating a welcoming space for those returning to central London.
This was supported with a targeted media sell-in and digital activity, including a phased paid social plan, bespoke animated and video content and influencer partnerships.
700,000+ Social Reach
17,000+ Engagements with influencer content
660,000+ Video views
12 Pieces of coverage
Role: Creative Director
Agency: Inkling Culture
Artists: Abbey Lossing, Helen Musselwhite, Thomas Burden, Charlie Davis